Friday, September 27, 2013

Dear ?

Sometimes you got to think what the government gets out of scaring the Military Members and their families.  Usually I do not post this kind of thing but this time I feel a need to.. Ok, Yes you know I am a Military Wife trying to raise 3 kids and a husband who works to provide for us.  So with this Potential Government Shutdown all because they will fund EVERYTHING But obamacare, seriously..
Everyone mentions savings, what is that? Honestly we live paycheck to paycheck like most people.
Their is possibly a few times where we have some money left over from 1 check but generally that is enough to get us to the next check and we have nothing after that.    When you have 3 kids all in school, you gotta pay for school lunches and what ever else they may need for school, live in government housing oh wait, i was told the first month we will be ok but if it continues we have to pay for it out of pocket.. I don't know about you but how do they expect us to come up with $1,54.00.
I don't know about most wives but I know for certain I do not want to have to take out a loan.
I do know that  my wallet is empty! What about yours?  Wait, the best part is this only affects Active Duty Military and In most cases Civilian DoD Workers.   Everyone else who counts ok some type of funding retirement, VETS, will still get a normal check.

Enough about that Rant.. But seriously go fund the school system instead of ObamaCare. Maybe this way Young Kids would not take their lives due to bullying.. The Schools need to be more aware...

Why I brought that up is due to the fact that as some of you know i am a Graphic Designer and one of my fellow designers lost her Grand Daughter on September 9th, due to bullying. This girl was 12 years old. She took her own life. It is so sad. Her mom did everything she could and the school system never got involved.  Those of you in Florida may have seen this on the news.

Just this morning I read about 2 other girls 17 and 14 who committed Suicide in Ireland and UK due to bullying.  All of this being done on Kik Messenger and Ask.Fm..   Their is a Petition going around to shut down ASK.FM.  

This is really scary for parents of any teenage kids. This is real and it happens everywhere.. It needs to stop..

Well enough of my ranting.. i am off to find something to get into..
Maybe work on my photography site or better yet school

Hugs and Happy Blogging


  1. i've never been to - i thought it was a radio station - but i guess not. yes bullying is horrible and needs to stop.

  2. What happened with Jessica and is awful - the fact our government wont step in and and just say that they have added in report buttons, which is far from enough - I spend some of my time modding a game which allows people from ages 13+ and the way some of them attack each other verbally is awful (yes I do step in and try and talk it out) but the viciousness is just well beyond words.

    1. Yeah, Most of the times parents are usually the last to hear anything of bullying. It just gets me when teens tell other teens to go die, they are unwanted. Parents need to step in more and get involved. I myself am always monitoring what comes in and goes out with my kids.

  3. This new government shut down threat makes me furious! Just because some politicians don't get their way they will throw a fit and hit america where it hurts and move passionate just so we will rant and rave to our politicians to just give in so the military can get their pay. It's not right. They need to swallow their pride and do the right thing. BUT that will never happen. We were military for 5 years. It is ridiculously to be sacrificing your life and family for a country that has so little respect for you. That will cut off your pay at whim because they know they can use it as leverage to get what THEY want. They don't care about your welfare or that of your family. And yeah, coming up with housing on military pay? that is ridiculous!

  4. I am actually a proponent of Obamacare and see education and healthcare as two separate issues, but I do agree with you that the government shutdown is completely ridiculous.

    Question/answer sites like that are terrible ways for kids to end up saying really hurtful things to each other without having to take ownership of their comments. It's my opinion that creators of such sites have a right to create them, but they should also be responsible for helping to moderate them and prevent online harassment.

  5. I agree that a lot of the funding is misappropriated. Maybe if they focused on balancing the budget rather than stealing from Peter to pay Paul there may be an end in sight

  6. I am with you, hope that our government will focus more about this bullying issue that needs attention. It really need to stop! Many innocent lives were lost because of this.

  7. Sorry to hear about your friend's granddaughter. That is very sad. I hate that so many people (especially young people) experience things that make them feel as though suicide is the answer. :(

  8. Being an ex military wife with 2 kids I feel ya!!

  9. Funding is always top topic for discussions, why it all goes that way, the cutting on essential brings only disappointment making families suffer.

  10. My best friend has a son my daughter's age (14), and his best friend committed suicide last year. It really tore them all up.

  11. Ask.Fm is awful I just cannot comprehend why the government does not step in. More and more children are being bullied with tragic outcomes. Someone in government needs to step up and do the right thing.

  12. I have never heard of Ask.Fm before so I had to check it out. This is terrible!

  13. We do, the majority live pay check to pay check. I think it is a shame that our military makes less defending our country than some guy on a field chasing a ball for 4 months out of the year and makes millions.
    Our school system and funding are in bad shape. Schools here raise money to supplement their government funding.
    Bullying is another issue and FAR TOO many kids are taking their lives.

  14. I'm so sick of the goverment and their stupid, childish, sulky games. These shutdowns because they can't "get along" and are constantly competing for the next so called win for their party is getting absolutely ridiculous. Our government has become rather embarrasing. They don't care about the people; they care about their personal agendas and victories. I'll get off my rant now. Sorry your family may have to pay the price for their stupidity. The bullying has become horribly sad. I'm so sorry to hear about the Florida girl.
    Angela @ Time with A & N

  15. Good writing here.
    I will have to think about this.

  16. Bullying is horrible and it seems like everywhere I look, I am hearing or reading about another tragic story.

  17. I have been reading things about I wish something could be done about bullying. Parents need to get more involved and schools need to also.

  18. I'm active duty military and we were talking about this at work today after hearing we might not get paid. I'm lucky that hubby works but if his is the only income we won't survive too long. As for bullying, something needs to be done drastically to stop this! So sorry about your friend's daughter. No one should have to lose their life because of being bullied.

  19. I'm with you on the bullying. It has got to stop :( My son as had issues this year and it's not good.

  20. This is so sad... I remember having some people bashed me on too.. it felt horrible.. I needed to shut down.. good thing I had people supporting me then.. but I pity those who are emotionally vulnerable to these things. :( Bullying is not nice and needs to be stop. :(

  21. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I recently addressed the issue of bullying in my classroom and wrote a post about it. It's unfortunate that more isn't being done to warn young people about the physical and emotional outcomes of bullying.

  22. My daughter has been begging me to open an KIK account and so far I have refused. It helps that she does not have a phone, so she is forced to use my phone for her other social media. I have seen lots of her classmates with ASK.FM accounts and comments from total strangers calling these girls ugly. I wonder if their parents are aware of what is happening.

  23. Everyone needs a rant here and there, it is how we all stay human. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's granddaughter, no one should have to suffer that kind of loss. And for such a horrible reason. Thoughts and prayers.


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Hugs and Happy Blogging,