Thursday, August 15, 2013

When is Enough, Enough?

When is Enough, Enough? Seriously?

I wonder sometimes I mean seriously. Kids now days think they have this whole entitlement thing and everything has to be handed to them. Christianna has a phone and got made and started bitching because her brick to her laptop is going out. She expects me to replace it.. Buy her new clothes, shoes all her school supplies, Pay for her birthday party and Get her tickets to go see the New  One Direction Movie..  Not sure what she is thinking lately..

Its bad enough she lives on her phone, she would live on the computer but it is currently down.. not sure if i want it fixed. She wants everything and expects us to give it to her.  

She is way Obsessed with One Direction and clearly denies  it. Every word out of her mouth is about them. 
Her user name for everything is about them.  So one begins to worry sometime. Do you just leave her alone and hope it is maybe a phase and she will grow out of it or somehow some way put a stop to it.. 

I do take her phone every day for a few hours at a time


  1. When my Daughter was younger, I had a set amount I could afford to spend on her. She ended up getting a job and paying for what she wanted.

  2. I'm not looking forward to my daughters getting to that age!!

  3. I went through a HUGE boyband faze in my early teens and I had friends who used to travel around the country following their favourite band.. We all grew out of it, if that helps :).

    My spending was awful at one point as well in the end parents to help curb my spending brought me all I 'needed' for school and food for the week - then they gave me £50 per month and from that I would have to buy anything extra be it clothing, sweets, trip to the cinema with my friends. I hated it at first but soon learnt the meaning of money and enjoyed being in control of my own budget.


  4. We put an end to the material entitlement with our kids by paying them an allowance and making them pay for everything that wasn't a necessity by themselves. They figured out quick how to budget and prioritize their spending.

  5. We tried the whole allowance thing and makinf them pay for everything. It went well for the 1st couple of weeks but then the trouble started. She has a baby sitting job but she still wants more. She has her heart set on buying everything she wants but not what she needs. She wants an iPhone be because her friends have one but yet she has a phone just nof fhe coolesf fo her.

  6. I have boys so they were texting and video game crazy. They can only do what you allow. We set limits and they followed the rules or lost their privileges. they need to remember You work so they can have these things, they are a privilege NOT an entitlement. My two cents.

  7. So sorry you seem to have issues with your daughter. I am not really sure what to say.

  8. I am sorry to hear that you are going through this but that is how kids are. You can only set limits and boundaries for her. My son is 15 and has to do regular chores (everyday) to get allowance. He does get a lot of what he wants but he does have to work for it. I have had him pay for his own food if he wanted french fries so bad he couldn't stand it. He is currently paying off 1/2 of a computer. Life is about responsibility and boundaries.

  9. I only had boys and they are different than girls with this type of thing.

    Boundaries and limits are always the way to go.

  10. The joys of raising a teen daughter... I so relate! 8-) hang in there they tell me it gets better!

  11. That sounds like me in that age! So from experience I can tell you that this is just a phase, a long one, but eventually it will get better! It will take a lot of willpower to go through it without freaking out, but we mommies can do a lot :)

  12. Oh boy, it sounds like you have your hands full! I have teen son and so far not allowing him to have a cell phone or also get a Facebook account have really kept him level headed. Best of luck with your daughter, maybe some one on one girl time together will help bring her back down to reality?

  13. my daughters are too young right now to even talk, but i can't imagine what they will be like in their teens!

  14. Becca, I think I have it fixed now.

  15. I have a 15 year old boy, who yes is on the computer but will get off when i tell him to. He had his phone taken away and does not complain. I have tried one on one time and she is still on the phone non stop then too..

  16. I'm a little old school when it comes to this stuff. I see how all these kids expect everything and thing they don't have to work for anything!

    I'm a single mom so I don't have time for any games. My son is 5 (6 in Jan) and has only had 1 birthday party (his first) and every other time its just been a dinner or just cake and some gifts.

    My son again, who is only 5 has to pick up all the trash in our room and clean up the dirty clothes.

    We have trash twice a week, and each time he is out there hauling the trashcan to the front of the house. He is not aloud to play his Wii unless it's Friday Sat or Sunday. Sunday he has to get off earlier then the other days.

    I always get that I am way too hard on him, but I don't have a choice. I need to teach him how the world works and that he is not getting everything handed to him on a silver platter!!

    Because of how hard I am, I have a 5 year old who ask me if he's aloud to say attitude or punk? I have a child who ask if you are okay and says have a good day. I have a child who know what it is to appreciate things! Buy him the smallest thing and he will be in Aww and OMG THANK YOU!!!

    I hate having to be so hard, But if I didn't I wouldn't have this mos amazing respectful child!

    I do hope everything works out for you! I personally would just take he phone away and tell her she needs to learn what it is to earn her things and gain respect in your household. But I am also a hard-ass. I don't have time for all of that crap!!

    Good luck!!!

  17. I have a two year old who also thinks he's entitled to everything. He threw a screaming fit when we left the store yesterday, because he wanted a balloon. I love my son more than anything in the world- he's the greatest joy in my life... but I realized that if I don't put a stop to this behavios while he's still young, it'll only get worse. Even though he's little, I am explaining that the things he has are privileges- and sometimes the consequences for his tantrums, bad attitude, etc- are for those things to be taken away for a period of time, be they toys, the tv, or a special thing like play time with a friend. He has to learn that mommy and daddy set the rules, and that he can't have whatever he wants the minute he wants it. I guess it's tough love. I'm new at the parenting thing, so it's all trial and error for me... but I know that he'll never respect me if I back down, give in and let him walk all over me. I'd rather hear the crying during time out and avoid a big problem when he's older.

  18. This is a tough one. My girls are still young but as a high school teacher I notice a lot of this with my students, and I worry about what my approach should be with my own kids as they get older. I'm more of the type that says earn it and telling them no just so they learn you don't get everything you want in life. But my oldest is only 4 so I haven't gotten to this tough stuff yet. Good luck. Found you through bloggymoms. Following with GFC now.
    Angela @ Time with A & N

    1. Angela, Thank you for stopping by, I am not following your blog as well.
      Today I have my daughters phone on my desk where it is staying :) She is not a happy person but She will be ok. I told her she can survive with out it..


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