Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So Done

Hi Everyone, 

Well it seems I had a bit of bad luck with the webhostingpad thing. It was a lesson learned.
We had went through them before and never had issues until I tried hosting a blog. 

I made the decision that NO Matter what, I am staying with it on Blogger. 
I did how ever like having my blog on wordpress but I noticed it had a few quirks that 
drove me crazy. It would take a little while to post pictures in a post. I guess that had alot to do with 
the hosting company. I have had others say they have never had issues. 

I would have issues with posts trying to auto save when I posted them. 
Well I guess those are all issues of the past. As I said before I am sticking with blogger. 
Do not want the issue again.. 

word of advice, Never Trust Web Hosting Pad 

Hugs and Thanks for Reading 


  1. I tried wordpress and gave it up. I like blogger much better. Granted, blogger has its problems also, but Wordpress is HORRIBLE!!

  2. I have never tried wordpress. I have been on blogger since 2010 and I have no plans on changing

  3. Sorry you had to go through that, but glad that you found what you like and what works for you!

  4. i have discovered that I like blogger much better. I can customize it the way I want it. Now i just need a layout that I love.. LOL. Need a good one free

  5. Hope you have better luck in the future. Happy Blogging!

  6. Sorry it didn't work out for you. I use WP for another blog and magazine I write for. I don't like it. I'm a blogger fan. Yep like to be different. So girl, you me and blogger :)
    Spatulas On Parade

  7. I only know WP since it's what I started with. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience.

  8. I totally understand. I like blogger the best.

  9. I am a VERY new blogger and use wordpress. It's been a little tricky to navigate but so far I think it's going well. Though I don't have anything to compare it to really. Hope everything continues well with you! :)

  10. i am beginning to wonder why I switched in the first place but have learned 1 thing.. Stick with what you know :)

  11. I have only good things to say about wordpress. But was also very happy with blogger :) Sorry you had to go through all this! From now on everything goes well, I hope :)

  12. I'm sorry that you had so many problems :( I hope things are going smoothly now!

  13. I was blogger but now am word press. They are both different but both have good points too.

  14. Im on Wordpress and I love it. :) sorry you've had so many issues. I've heard blogger is more user friendly and WP is a little bit of a learning curve.

  15. Thank you for the heads up! Wordpress is a very good program. But you have to do what works for you!

  16. I did like wordpress it was easy too customize once i figured it out. Only issue was the hosting company. i am sticking with Blogger though.. I like it much better

  17. Both blogger and wordpress have problems :) You have to go with what works best for you! I hope that blogger works out for you!

    1. Ann, You are completely right on that. Both Blogger and Wordpress have their own problems. I decided that no matter what I am staying on Blogger. It is to much to switch again.


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Hugs and Happy Blogging,