Friday, August 23, 2013

Time for School Once Again

It is just about time for School to start again.. Well in about 12 Days. I could not be happier.  This week we have been getting things ready for school. I have yet to put things in book bags but I guess that is one thing I tend to hold off on till the last minute. I am wondering where the hell time went, Really I have 3 kids going into different grades and into different schools anywhere from Grade School to High School.

You know I honestly thought that living on post here in Washington, They all would go to a School on Post.. Wrong.. Richard and Christianna have to be bused to schools off post. Diana is the only one who goes to school here on post.   Its crazy that most Military Installations anymore do not have their own school System.  Fort Sill and Lewis - McChord both go by the local school systems. Fort Campbell had DoD run schools when we were their.

I know the kids like going to regular school because you don't have to worry about Dress Codes. Honestly they are not all that bad, Well uniforms aren't anyway but they are so expensive when you have to buy 3 sets of them.  It saved on the kids regular clothes that is for sure.  The bad thing about Non - Uniform schools is the fact that they go through clothes like crazy and hell I thought school supplies were bad.  I have heard of school issuing Laptops or Kindles with books on them instead of hard back books. I think that would be alot better for the kids, well laptops anyway. This way they can communicate with the teachers and turn in work..

So anyways what is your back to school enjoyment. I think what i enjoy the most is the kids being gone and i get quiet time...   Below  is a picture of the supplies so far.  Still more to get


  1. That s a lot of school stuff! Lol. I'm not to this point yet as I have one more year until my oldest begins kindergarten but maybe I should start saving now.

    1. Angela, That is and its just the beginning. I have 1 going in 10th grade, 7th grade and 3rd grade. It gets crazy

  2. At our last duty station, all 4 of my kids went to school on base. We don't live on base at this duty station so they go to schools out in town. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The nice thing about military children is that in general, they are pretty flexible and resilient so they usually adapt easily. And I've come to the conclusion, kids are just expensive no matter what school they go to (even if it's homeschool) so just make sure you budget for LOT of unexpected expenses when you have them.

  3. I would be so scared to have my child in charge of a laptop, lol. If they let them keep them at school, it would be better (I think anyway). :)

    I'm glad the kids are looking forward to school here, but I'll miss them at home.

    Happy weekend to you!

  4. My eldest is starting school next month, eek! We've been buying the school uniform (we're in the UK) and supplies steadily over the past few weeks. I'm def looking forward to the just Scarlett & me time, but will miss having two kiddiwinks running around during the day

    Viccy, from the JellyRoseYate blog xxx

  5. Looks like our kitchen table. School supplies for three kids is ... bad. In about three years, it will be four at my house. *faint*

  6. I lived on Ft. Lewis a few years back too. My son went on base but my daughter did get bused to the High School back then too. I hope the school supply list is better than it used to be. It was ridiculous 10 years ago.

  7. Ugh! I had to buy school supplies last week to start school this week. That looked like our house for sure. I kind of like not having to worry about uniforms.

  8. School started a week ago for us here in CO. My kids are all in regular school so don't do uniforms and I like it that way. I'm just happy that they're gone because I get some peace and quiet when I get home early from work on those rare days. No more noise. :)

  9. That's a lot of school stuff - looks like lots of great stuff . Hope your kids have a great school year.

  10. Hehe So much school stuff!!!! I am such a nerd when it comes to this so I am in love!! LOL I am working on this post now for my son! =)

  11. That's a lot of school supplies! Although I will probably be there when the Beanie Babies are older and all three in school...


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