Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Funny Story - have to share

So This Morning I was checking my email and I came across one with the Title RE- Your Blog
So I opened it. Inside I find a message questioning me about my Blog Name. I reply and simply ask why the title bugs her so. She stated that she is the Chaotic Crazy Wife, a blogger i am guessing,  and insists that I change the name of my blog. She has been using that name for almost 3 years now.  Granted I moved to this blog back in January of This Year from Forever Yours Faithfully. Seriously I do not get it, but will be willing to give up the name. To save peace and trouble.   I am not understanding why The name of my blog insults her so. Honestly it is not like the thought has never crossed my mind but I gave up on searching for something that fits me along time ago.  It is something that I am willing to do if I can find the right name that fits.

Simply put, I am an Army Wife of 14 years, A Mom of 3 Crazy Kids, 2 Lazy Dogs. Juggling School and Every Day Life. Whose Life Merely consists of homework, video games, cellphones, field training, deployments and teenage drama..

So before I had Forever Yours Faithfully and although I did like it I just could not see the name following my life, blog and everything else..

What I am looking for in a Blog Title.. It does not have to say anything about The Army or anything like that...

Some that have came across my mind is Blissfully Samii - I could since I use it for Instagram but not really sure how it fits the whole thing with blogger and what I blog about. If it was just me then maybe..  Since it is about my life and my family as well as the Military it does not go well..

Back to square one on that.   I am totally Clueless.. Will take help and suggestions

One  came to mine while arguing with my 15 year old..

She Packs - She Moves  
              The Ins and Out of My Life 

3:51 pm
With the recent comments that came in. I am keeping the name.
Thanks for the comments


  1. The ins and outs sound good. But that lady sounds a little crazy.
    Angela @ Time with A & N

    1. Angela, That is what I thought. But I do not like trouble and think it would be easier lol .

  2. you know what.. you are a www. blog. You paid for your name... am I right? Tell this woman to take a hike and get a life.
    I have had people on my blog before telling me how I should be posting. I just hit delete! They are GONE!!
    I like the name of your blog and feel it can work well for what ever you use it for.

    1. Thank you Terry.. I did pay for the name. I am going to email her and tell her forget it. I have never had issues until now. I don't get it. I do like the name of my blog now. I think the name suits me and my blog well.
      My life is crazy and i am a very chaotic wife lol.. I am usually running around with my head cut off as my husband says lol.

    2. Good for you. She needs to get a life or change the name of her blog.

  3. dont change the name of your sounds good..and it is your copyright material so no one can order you to change it...that lady is crazy...keep up the good work :)

  4. Don't change the name of your blog because someone has a thing against it. Someone emailed me once about the name of mine and how it was too much like their own. I'm sorry but it's my blog, just as your blog is yours. Books and movies and so forth have similar names so do blogs. It's not something for someone to get upset about.
    If it's insulted to HER then she doesn't need to bother with it and will miss out. Simple as that. Don't let it bother you, :)

    1. Melanie, I agree with you she does not have to bother with it.. I have worked hard on my blog to make it what it is. After moving the first of the year I lost alot of my followers, but I dont think i would go back to the other blog is i had to..

  5. Your name and her name aren't the same. I would be able to differentiate between the two. I think you're very kind to have considered a change but I wonder if she would have even considered changing hers (if someone blogging longer than her contacted her and told her to do so).

    There's so many blogs (which is a great thing) that it's hard to come up w/one that is entirely unique.

  6. Do not change the name for her, you bought and paid for this, if she dont like it tell her to move

  7. Ya, sorry but she has no rights over a blog name. Tell her if she doesn't like your blog name, she can stop reading your blog.

  8. Thank you for all the input and advice ladies.. I am staying put..

  9. I wouldn't change the name. They are two separate names and I find her rude to be emailing you asking you to change it. Keep your name. I'm actually going to google this person now.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. You purchased your domain name, then it is yours. You like it, it fits. Keep it.

  11. My sister has had a similar thing happen to her with her business name, and you just want to tell them, "Hey, you screwed up. I got it and you don't." I wouldn't give her the time of day.

  12. Wowsers, she must be mad if she's emailed you! I would personally ignore as although the two are kind-of similar, they are different. Tough.
    A lot of bloggers has "kids" "mum/mom" "wife" "life" in their blog's part of being a lifestyle blogger!

  13. things get crazy when other crazies meet i guess :) but she's a step up if she wants you to make more chaos in your life and change

  14. I like the name of your blog and agree with Terry. If you own the domain, that should be the end of the story. Right? Maybe she would enjoy reading some of these comments too. :)

  15. I am glad that you are trying to avoid upsetting someone else, but I agree with the others who have suggested that you keep your name. The names are not identical. I'm sure she doesn't have it copyrighted anyway. And you have paid for your domain. Why undo the brand building you have done simply because one person is unhappy? Do you want to constantly adjust your blog to the demands of a single complaint (e.g. change your theme, remove the sidebar, remove one of your categories).

  16. I am glad you kept it. She can shove it. Is she jealous because people find your blog more interesting than hers?

  17. Late to the game here but I agree with the others. If the domain was available and you purchased it ( which it appears it was), it is yours to keep. There is enough room in this blogging world for all of us.

  18. Yay! I Am glad you decided to keep your name. There are so many blogs out there it is impossible to not choose something that is close to someone else's blog title. I had Bobbi's World for awhile and had someone get mad at me because she had the same name for her blog. Well I told her, My name is Bobbi and I am talking about my world, if I Was talking about your world THEN we would have an issue LOL

  19. Too bad to hear that. There are so many similar names out there. If you own the domain, then you should be fine.Dont let her bully you and unless she has trademark on it, theres nothing she can do.

  20. This current name is puurfect! You are in no need of replacing this. Else she packs -she moves is so cool!

  21. I think the She Packs name is funny, but I am glad you are keeping your name. I would hit delete. If she writes again, I would say it is not the same name and you paid for this one.

  22. I heard of someone asking someone to change a name before but the only difference was something really small either an added letter or an and in the name and they had changed it that day. Your names just aren't in that league as others say leave it! I can only think her problem could be you are ranking high in google under Chaotic Crazy Wife but then she just needs to work on her key word ranking. Anyway long story short don't change! :)

  23. I would leave the name the same. I am unsure of why the other woman is having a problem unless it comes down to Google ranking like Sarah said. I think the name fits your life and lifestyle.

  24. Wow. I definitely wouldn't change the name. Like someone said above, movies have similar tiles and there's no problems. Sounds like she just doesn't have a life or something. Sorry you're dealing with this!

  25. She maybe a spammer, who knows! If I were you, I will never change the name of my blog, that's mine and will be mine forever! It fits to your blog, you like it, go ahead. Don't let anybody tells you to change the name of your blog because she owns that name?! Anyway, have you seen her blog, is she really a blog owner?

  26. Keep your name I love it!!! When I came up with my name I ran across several similar ones so I just tweaked a little. No big!


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Hugs and Happy Blogging,